Join us in supporting the Christian County Republican Assembly! Purchase a raffle ticket for your chance to win a Primary AR-15. Not only could you take home this incredible prize, but you'll also be helping to promote our shared values and principles. Get your tickets today and make a difference! Tickets may be purchased from any CCMRA Member or through PayPal using the links below.

You must be at least 18 years old to purchase Tickets. Tickets sold through PayPal will be sent via email.

The drawing will be held on August 6th, 2024. To possess the rifle, the winner must pass a federal background check and complete a firearms transaction record form.

Use the link or QR Code below to purchase Raffle Tickets.

Join Us for the CCRMA Monthly Meeting!

Dear Conservative Republicans,

📅 The Second Tuesday of each month
🕕 Doors Open: 6:00 PM
🕡 Meeting Starts: 6:30 PM
📍 Location: VFW Post 7628, Ozark, MO

Mark your calendars for our CCRMA monthly meeting at VFW Post 7628, 104 S. 1st St. Ozark, MO, on the second Tuesday of each month. Whether you're a long-time supporter or new to CCRMA, join us for:

✅ Discussions on conservative principles
✅ Updates on local and national politics
✅ Networking with like-minded conservatives

Open to all, bring friends and family interested in our cause. Your voice matters, and together, we can make a positive impact.

See you there!

Les Overall, President Christian County Missouri Republican Assembly

Map to VFW Post

For directions, click the link above

CCMRA Purpose and Objectives

The CCMRA is a chartered member of the 7CDMRA, the MRA, and the NFRA, representing the core beliefs of Republicans for Christian County, Missouri. The CCMRA is an Incorporated Nonprofit in the State of Missouri (N001691898) and is a 527-tax-exempt nonprofit created under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 527); primarily to influence municipal, county, and state legislation as well as the selection, nomination, election, appointment, or defeat of candidates to municipal, county, and legislative district offices.

The CCMRA represents the interests of Conservative Republicans in Christian County and its geographic and political subdivisions. To promote the principles and objectives of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA), the MRA, the 7CDMRA, and the Missouri Republican Party Platform, as well as ethical government within the meaning and intent of the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Missouri Constitution as originally understood by the authors.

Objective 1. Grow and sustain a county-wide network of thoughtful and knowledgeable members who are and remain faithful to Conservative, Constitutionally correct Republicanism.

Objective 2. Develop and perpetuate a practical program throughout the County to advance Constitutional Republicanism. To this end, a “Member Development Program” shall be detailed in the CCMRA Standing Rules.

Objective 3. Proactively identify and support Republican candidates and elected office holders of Christian County, Missouri, who uphold the core beliefs of the Republican Party as stated in Article II, Section 2.01.

Objective 4. Critically examine state and county-wide issues of relevance to liberty and to take an active role in the legislative process.

Objective 5. Build relationships and associate with the various Christian County conservative groups and build a coalition to influence elections and legislation at all levels of government.

Objective 6. Advance the Principles, Beliefs and Objectives of the NFRA, MRA, 7CDMRA and the Missouri Republican Platform.



CCMRA History

 The Christian County chapter of the Missouri Republican Assembly (CCMRA) was established in 2019 by a core group of eight men and women who had served on the Christian County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) for several years each and were concerned that no group was enabled to effectively assure that the Republican Party was remaining true to its platform by emphasizing conservative candidates in the primary elections. Establishment politicians higher in the party were pulling the strings of government and blocking out those who tried to stop the liberal intrusion into the Party. That core group saw egregious violations of the Republican “brand” but felt their warnings were falling on deaf ears. Even though they each had a seat on the Party Central Committee for their County, due to restrictions on central committee functions in primary elections, they were all impotent to effect the necessary changes in the Party. Local leadership of the 7th Congressional District Missouri Republican Assembly (7CDMRA) invited them to a meeting of the Greene County Chapter of the MRA as well as that of the 7CDMRA.

That started a conversation. This discussion and a good bit of coaching from the principals of the 7CDMRA led to efforts to achieve a charter for CCMRA. Christian County Constitutional Conservatives were hungry for just what was offered: structure, goals, standards, and coaching. The necessary fifteen (15) interested parties signed the petition to the 7CDMRA, and the work of qualifying for a charter was quickly underway. From a small start of twelve (12) dues-paid members in November 2019, the chapter grew rapidly to forty (40) members within the first year. Amazing successes were achieved through the efforts of the members of the 7CDMRA in the 2020 elections, including successes on legislation. Unfortunately, due to concerns about the coronavirus, many political efforts were halted, but that event also brought many patriots forward to be true activists to help restore our Constitutional Republic and our liberties.