Please consider a donation if your passion is to:

Reclaim the Republican Party for Conservatives.

Reform the Republican Party back to its Conservative Values.

Restore Republican Voter faith in the Republican Party.

Return the Republican Party to its Pro-Constitutional Roots.


The CCMRA is a chartered member of the 7CDMRA, the MRA, and the NFRA, representing the core beliefs of Republicans for Christian County, Missouri. The CCMRA is an Incorporated Nonprofit in the State of Missouri (N001691898) and is a 527-tax-exempt nonprofit created under Section 527 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 527); primarily to influence municipal, county, and state legislation as well as the selection, nomination, election, appointment, or defeat of candidates to municipal, county, and legislative district offices.

All funds will be used to primarily influence the selection, nomination, and appointment of conservative candidates for municipal (City Councils, School Boards), county, and state public office and influence municipal, county, and state legislation by providing support through Grassroots, Election, and Legislative Advocacy by our members.


Membership Fee Payments

Dear Christian County Missouri Republican Assembly Members,

As we kick off the new year, we must start on a solid note to ensure our Republican principles are well-represented. One of the key aspects contributing to our collective strength is the timely payment of membership fees, and I am reaching out to remind you of the upcoming opportunity to do so.

Our next assembly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 9th. This gathering provides the final chance for members to pay their membership fees in person before the January 31st deadline. This deadline is especially significant as it marks the cutoff for reporting our paid members to the 7CDMRA and the State. The accuracy of this report directly influences the allocation of delegates for this year's conventions, making it crucial for every member to contribute.

We understand everyone has a busy schedule, and we appreciate your dedication to our cause. By paying your membership fees at the upcoming meeting, you play a vital role in ensuring our delegate numbers remain strong and our voices are heard at the state and national levels.

Please know this will be the last opportunity to pay in person before the January 31st deadline. Your prompt action on January 9th will significantly assist us in meeting our reporting obligations and maintaining a robust presence at this year's conventions.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your membership or the payment process, feel free to contact our dedicated team; we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you for being so committed to the Christian County Missouri Republican Assembly. Let's make 2024 a year of impactful representation and unwavering support for our shared values.

NOTE 1: You may pay your membership fee by check through the postal service. Mail your payment to Ronnie L White, 702 Inas Trail, Ozark, MO 65721. Make your check payable to CCMRA. Please send a courtesy email stating that the fee has been mailed.

NOTE 2: There is a PayPal option for payment, but there is an additional two-dollar charge to cover PayPal's costs. Donate – Christian County MRA ( Click on the donate button. Select One Time $22 and use this donation for the membership fee. Do Not check the box. Add USD 0.00 to help cover the costs; the fees are already included.