RNC Chairs and Treasurers Held Meetings With Chinese Communist Party Officials To Discuss ‘Campaign Strategy’ & China Policy.

Republican National Committee Chairmen and Treasurers have met with officials from the Chinese Communist Party and its vast network of foreign influence groups to discuss “campaign strategies” and the direction of U.S.-China relations for over a decade, War Room can reveal.

Evidenced through a decades-long trove of documents, War Room can reveal the identities of several RNC Chairmen and Treasurers who participated in several versions of an annual event – the U.S.-China High-Level Political Party Leaders Dialogue – alongside members of the Chinese Communist Party. Despite this apparent national security threat, the following RNC Leaders have participated in the U.S.-China High-Level Political Party Leaders Dialogue: Former Chairman Ed Gillespie, Former RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson, Former RNC Treasurer Anthony Parker, and Former RNC Chairman Robert Duncan.

Additionally, brochures from the 2016 edition of the U.S.-China High-Level Political Party Leaders Dialogue reveal that the then-RNC-Treasurer Tony Parker attended to “discuss campaign strategies and prospects for U.S.-China relations under the new Trump administration.” Read the full article at the link below.

EXC: RNC Chairs, Treasurers Held Meetings With Chinese Communist Party Officials To Discuss ‘Campaign Strategy’ & China Policy. – Stephen K Bannon’s War Room

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