Cereal Offender: Why is Chlormequat in our Oats?

I know that many of our members enjoy oatmeal and cereal for breakfast, and when I came across several articles about this new pesticide showing up in a high percentage of grains and in Americans’ urine, I thought it prudent to make members aware. If you consume grains or foods made from grains, please take the time to read these articles.

Cereal Offender: Why is Chlormequat in our Oats?    – The Food Institute

EWG investigation: Dangerous agricultural chemical chlormequat found in popular oat-based products | Environmental Working Group

Chlormequat-Free Oats: Keep Pesticides Out of Your Breakfast (greenmatters.com)

Chlormequat found in Cheerios, oat foods, per new study: What is it? (usatoday.com)

chlormequat in oatmeal – Search Videos (bing.com)

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