Message from MRA President Regarding Vetting.

Hello everyone, for several months the discussion regarding vetting has dominated the grassroot’s inner circle. It has been suggested by some that the MRA supports vetting when in fact, we have never made an official statement of our position regarding vetting.

Due to the controversy surrounding vetting and the fact that it is a Central Committee issue and only they have the ability to implement it by ballot access control, the MRA has no dog in that fight. Our position is simply this: It’s not our issue, so we have no position for or against vetting.

The MRA does its own vetting by simply analysing candidates and office holders and having our delegates that represent their members decide whether or not the candidates are worthy of carrying our name. 

There are at least two ongoing lawsuits regarding removing names from the ballot that will ultimately be decided in time. Each member certainly has the right to their own opinion and position, but officially it is better for the MRA to stay out of battle. 

Steve Lampley

MRA President

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